British Wrestling Injection

British Wrestling Injection will debut February 23rd 2020.

It’s yearly run will feature one show in February, May, August and November.
Each show will be two matches.


  • Catch as catch can wrestling
  • 20 second count outs apply
  • Each match will be 3x 5 minute rounds, best of 3 or else it’s a draw.
  • For championship matches it will be 5x 10 minute rounds, best of 5 or else it’s a draw, champion retains, unless the champion invokes sudden death.
  • In our first championship match in November we will invoke sudden death rules should we need to, to ensure the year ends with a champion.


  • The BWI roster will consist of 10 male wrestlers maximum.
  • If a waiting list develops, we will address that issue.
  • There will be 1 BWI Undisputed Championship.
  • Ranking is a point system based on wins and losses.

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